It can be challenging to find a good mix of freedom and usability when purchasing e-Readers. Kobo is a great option for those looking for the amazing ease of use of a Kindle, without being locked into a single e-Reading ecosystem. Having the option of loading downloaded books easily, or borrowing books from your local library through the exclusive Overdrive, makes Kobo’s range near limitless, and significantly cheaper than its competitors.
Kobo Nia
Although the Kobo Nia is the most affordable of the Kobo e-Reader range, that doesn’t mean it skimps on features. So what makes it worth spending extra money on, rather than just reading on your phone or tablet? The Nia can be used for a few weeks on a single charge under normal use. The 6” glare-free screen means that you’ll be able to use this even under the brightest light, a huge disadvantage to reading on a standard screen. Some e-Readers can’t be used in the dark, the Nia has a built-in, adjustable comfort light, making it easy to read at night and take the strain off your eyes by turning down the blue light. There is also 8 GB of storage, allowing you to store up to 6,000 books, perfect for the broad range of formats Kobo supports.

Kobo Libra
The Kobo Libra is packed with all the features of the Nia, plus a few key upgrades. The most noticeable change is the size of the screen. The 7-inch screen means you’ll be able to pack far more words onto the screen or have the same number but larger as you would with smaller e-Readers. These words will also be crystal clear, as the screen is Full HD, at a 1920x1080 resolution. With page-turn buttons, and a landscape or portrait orientation, you’ll be able to create a more personalised reading experience. The Libra also will give you more reading freedom, with Waterproof IPX8. This means that you’ll be able to read by the pool, stay unconcerned about accidental spills, and luxuriate in the bath with a good book, with up to 60 mins in 2 meters of water.

Kobo Forma
The Kobo Forma is the ultimate e-Reader from Kobo. Boasting all of the features from the other products in their range, packed into the largest screen. This is perfect for those who want a premium reading experience and aren’t concerned about budget. With an 8.0" HD Carta E Ink screen, at a 1440 x 1920 resolution. with Mobius display technology, you’ll be getting a print-quality reading experience. This is also the best option for those who are into comics or manga, due to the larger screen and Kobo’s support of different formats.

So many great options that are great for reading in bed, the park, and even the pool! Check out the latest range of Kobo e-Readers today!